To ward off night cramps: 

Astuces CrampesPlace a piece of Marseille soap under your bed!


To remove stains:

Astuces Oter une tacheRub the stain with slightly damp Marseille soap, before washing. The stain will disappear more easily than with all synthetic detergents.

For washing delegates:

Astuces Copeaux de savonDilute a handful of Marseille soap flakes in a little hot water and then pour this mixture into 5 litres of water. Soak the washing, rub gently and rinse thoroughly.

To make your own detergent: 

Astuces savon et eauMix 80 g of Marseille soap in 1.5 litres of water with a soupspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Shake vigorously. Pour half to a full glass of the mixture directly into the drum depending on the amount of laundry.

Soins d'Orient